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Introduction to overseas business

위에서 �나무들
  • Dream Sharing's overseas business aims to help neighbors living in developing and least developed countries in Asia and Africa work together to reduce damage caused by climate change and achieve the UN-SDGs by overcoming the climate crisis and improving living environments. To this end, Dream Sharing has established and is operating the region's first social enterprise in Tra Vinh Province, Vietnam, and is also developing business in cooperation with partners in regions such as India, Nepal, Pakistan, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Ethiopia.

Composition of overseas business

  • Mangrove tree planting activities/education projects: We carry out tree planting activities and environmental education projects on more than 50 hectares of mangrove trees every year in regions such as Vietnam and Myanmar. This project is being carried out by MangLub, a subsidiary of Dream Sharing, and MangLub is the first social enterprise established in Tra Vinh Province, Vietnam. In addition to tree and education projects, we also carry out scholarship projects, and when conducting projects, we hold events centered on the local community and create employment.

  • Climate crisis response/adaptation: We are working on a project with Rainbird Geo and the Department of Climate and Energy Systems Engineering at Ewha Womans University . To date, we are carrying out various projects in regions such as Vietnam and Cambodia, and in particular, our goal is to protect the lives and assets of local residents living in areas vulnerable to climate change in the era of climate crisis through ultra-short-term forecasting.

  • Living environment infrastructure improvement project: A project to improve the living environment of families in developing countries and the poorest countries, especially for the health and safety of women and children. One of the most common diseases in families in the poorest countries is respiratory-related diseases, such as those related to the lungs and bronchial tubes. It is mainly caused by poor indoor air quality, including toxic gases generated during cooking and fuel used for heating. To this end, Dream Sharing, together with domestic and foreign organizations, organizations, and companies, delivers technology, devices, and know-how to local communities and carries out dissemination, education, and distribution.

Business process


Business evaluation and

follow-up projects

Decide whether to proceed or not

Selection of region and discovery of social problems


 Business planning and funding progress


Formation of stakeholder network

Project to be carried out

Mangrove tree activities

  • Region: Tra Vinh Province, Vietnam, Yangon,

  • Period: From 2018 to present

  • Activities: Mangrove tree planting activities, employment creation for local residents, environmental education, volunteer activities

        ‘This project was carried out through our Vietnamese subsidiary Manglub’  ▶

Scholarship project

  • Region: Tra Vinh

  • Period: 2020 to present

  • Activities: Select two people every half year and provide scholarship support. Recommended by the Tra Vinh Province Office of Education and finalized through visits and interviews.

       ‘This project was carried out through our Vietnamese subsidiary Manglub’  ▶

Living environment improvement project

  • Region: Northern

  • Period: 2022

  • Activities: Increase income, manage health, and respond to climate change by improving household living infrastructure

Climate change adaptation

  • Region: Vietnam, Cambodia

  • Period: 2021 - 2022

  • Activities: Jointly conducted with Rainbird Geo, a satellite business company specializing in ultra-short-term forecasting. In Cambodia and Vietnam, where satellites, weather radars, and experts are lacking, the difficulties in predicting weather phenomena due to climate change have been resolved by applying technologies such as Korea's Cheollian satellite, smartphones, and AI to provide ultra-short-term forecast information by region and community, and through mutual exchange. Project progress such as response

Planned project

Mangrove Tree Activity 2023

  • Planned for 50 hectares in Tra Vinh, Vietnam

  • 3 tree volunteer activities scheduled (domestic departure team, tree, educational volunteer work, etc.)

  • Local environmental education provided

Northern India Living Environment Improvement Project 2023

  • Goal of achieving more than 5 UN-SDGs

  • The goal is to increase income, manage health, and respond to climate change by improving household living infrastructure.

Mangrove Tree Activity 2023

  • Planned for 50 hectares in Tra Vinh, Vietnam

  • 3 tree volunteer activities scheduled (domestic departure team, tree, educational volunteer work, etc.)

  • Local environmental education provided

Northern India Living Environment Improvement Project 2023

  • Goal of achieving more than 5 UN-SDGs

  • The goal is to increase income, manage health, and respond to climate change by improving household living infrastructure.

Dream Sharing Partner Organizations


Mangrove Partner Organization


Social-Coop Dream Sharing

Goyang-si, Korea


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